Long-Jawed Spiders

The family of long-jawed orb weavers contains more than 1,000 species distributed under 48 genera. The scientific term of the family is Tetragnathidae.

Long-Jawed Spiders

Spiders Belonging to this Family

Physical Description and Identification


Size: Females are 0.19-0.47 in (0.4-1.1 cm), and males are shorter than them.

Color: They could be brown, white, and grey as the color varies from one species to another.

Other Characteristic Features: The front legs are exceptionally long, and so are their jaws and chelicerae. Female spiders have longer jaws than male spiders.


Female spiders make a brown egg sac and lay their eggs inside it. The sac is wrapped in silk.


After hatching, the spiderlings soon disperse and go on making their own webs.

The Web

They make orb-shaped webs, and hence they get the name of orb-weavers. The web has a circular pattern without any strokes.

Are Long-jawed Orb Weavers Venomous

Some species of the long-jawed orb weavers might be venomous, but most species are not. Their bites are not dangerous as well, it can cause some allergic reactions.

Quick Facts

DistributionUSA, Canada, and Mexico
HabitatPine trees and other vegetations, near water streams
DietMoths, flies, and other insects
Web TypeOrb web
PredatorBirds and bigger spiders
LifespanLess than 1 year

Did You Know

  • The German entomologist, Anton Menge, described the family in 1866.