Sicariidae Spiders

Containing some of the deadliest spiders like six-eyed-spiders, recluse spiders, the family is a well researched one. Many species are still being studied on, although. There are 3 genera having 189 species.

Sicariidae Spiders

Spiders Belonging to this Family

Physical Description and Identification


Size: Sicariidae members are 0.23-0.78 in (0.58-1.9 cm). Male and female spiders of many genera, especially under the recluse genus, are almost the same in size.

Color: Most spiders are brown with either darker or paler tone.

Other Characteristic Features: These spiders have 6 eyes instead of 8. Female spiders also have unsclerotised genitals.


Female spiders make egg sacs with a mixture of sand and silk for eggs to be laid in safely.


Spiderling of some species can be venomous, and they usually go away from their hatching place to a different area after being able to move.

The Web

Some family members do make some unorganized webs, but they do not rely on them for catching preys. Instead, they like to chase, hunt, and kill their potential preys.

Are Sicariidae Spiders Venomous

Sicariidae spiders can generate a tissue-destroying enzyme-like sphingomyelinase D. Their bite is extremely venomous and can affect red blood cells. The injury in the skin can be deadly and fatal if neglected.

Quick Facts

DistributionAsia, Africa, and Americas
HabitatBurrows and under rocks, deserts, abandoned areas, and dark corners of house or garage
DietFlies, moths, cockroaches, scorpions, and other insects
Lifespan1-4 years

Did You Know

  • A few spiders of the family can even live for as long as 15 years.
  • The family was first described in 1880, by Eugen von Keyserling, a German arachnologist.