Lynx Spiders

The lynx or Oxyopidae is a family of hunter spiders, with an excellent vision and stalking ability. The ambush predators often hunt down insects found on flowers. Many members of the family are nocturnal. It has 9 genera with 521 species.

Lynx Spiders

Spiders Belonging to this Family

Physical Description and Identification


Size: The species of this family vary from 0.11-0.98 in (0.27-2.4 cm) in size. Female spiders are larger than male spiders.

Color: Lynx spiders can be orange, green, yellow, or brown, with some species showcasing spotted legs.

Other Characteristic Features: These spiders have long bristles on their legs. The bristles often create a basket-like feature. Their eyes are set in a hexagon pattern.


Females make a golf ball-shaped brown egg sac for depositing their eggs.


Nursing nature and caring for young spiderlings is observed in some species belonging to the family.

The Web

The spiders are not known for making webs as they prefer to chase their preys. Some of the family members might make small webs, but there is no specific pattern or usage of the web.

Are Lynx Spiders Venomous

Usually, lynx spiders are not aggressive and they don’t attack humans. But some female spiders in certain species might bite people to protect their eggs. The bite is not detrimental at all.

Quick Facts

Distribution Throughout the world
HabitatWoodlands, forests, and heath
DietHoneybees, moths, wasps, and other insects
LifespanAround 1 year

Did You Know

  • The Swedish arachnologist Tamerlan Thorell, described the species for the first time in 1870.