North Carolina has a large number of spiders belonging to the fishing, jumping, cobweb, and huntsman family. Out of all the species, the brown recluse, and black widow are considered the deadliest.
False Black Widow (Steatoda grossa)-The False Black Widow spider is part of the Steatoda genus and is frequently confused with the more dangerous Black Widow Spider. Known by various names, including 'cupboard spider' and 'brown house spider' in Australia, this species sometimes earns the label of a pest in certain areas.… Continue Reading >
Furrow (Larinioides cornutus)-Did you know there's a spider called the Furrow spider? It belongs to the orb-weaver family. You can find them in places like North Africa, Europe, parts of Asia, and even in North and South America!… Continue Reading >
Bold Jumping (Phidippus audax)-Bold jumping spiders are super cool members of the Salticidae spider family. They get attention for their amazing jumps and colorful looks. Instead of using webs to catch food, they like to sneak up on bugs and jump on them!… Continue Reading >
Six-spotted Fishing (Dolomedes triton)-Discover the Six-spotted Fishing Spider, often known as the dock spider. These large, semi-aquatic spiders are daytime hunters. They're experts at waiting near water edges, among bushes, ready to catch their next meal.… Continue Reading >
Tigrosa Georgicola-The Tigrosa georgicola is a kind of spider that lives in the southeastern parts of the United States. It's part of the Lycosidae spider family.… Continue Reading >