Spiders in North Dakota

The state of North Dakota has a few species of spiders belonging to the orb-weaver, jumper, cellar and crab family. The deadliest of them is the western black widow, though another venomous spider, the brown recluse is rarely seen here. One of the popular species found here is the pirate spiders, having a brown coloration, often mistaken for the brown recluse.

Spiders in North Dakota Identification Chart

Largest Spider in North Dakota

Dark Fishing (Dolomedes tenebrosus)

Highly Venomous Spiders

Cobweb (Theridiidae)

Western Black Widow Spider Western Black Widow (Latrodectus hesperus) - Have you ever heard about the Western Black Widow spider? It's a special spider found mostly in the western areas of North America. They are closely related to the northern black widow.… Continue Reading >

Less Venomous Spiders

Orb-weaver (Araneidae)

Banded Garden Spider Banded Garden (Argiope trifasciata) - The banded garden spider is a common spider with two types: Argiope trifasciata deserticola and Argiope trifasciata kauaiensis. They prefer warm places and usually aren't around in cold winters because they don't like the chill.… Continue Reading >

Cat Face Spider Pictures Cat-Faced (Araneus gemmoides) - The cat-faced spider, known to some as the jewel spider, thrives during the nighttime. Part of the orb-weaver family, these spiders create spiral webs shaped like wheels.… Continue Reading >

Jumping (Salticidae)

Bold Jumping Spider Picture Bold Jumping (Phidippus audax) - Bold jumping spiders are super cool members of the Salticidae spider family. They get attention for their amazing jumps and colorful looks. Instead of using webs to catch food, they like to sneak up on bugs and jump on them!… Continue Reading >

Cellar (Pholcidae)

Long Bodied Cellar Spider Long Bodied Cellar (Pholcus phalangioides) - The long-bodied cellar spiders are quite interesting! Often seen in America's dark and damp spots, they have really long legs. This is why some folks call them daddy-long-legs.… Continue Reading >

Long-Jawed Orb-weaver

  • Silver Long-Jawed Orb-weaver (Tetragnatha laboriosa)

Nursery Web (Pisauridae)

Dark Fishing Dark Fishing (Dolomedes tenebrosus) - The Dark Fishing Spider is a special spider from the Pisauridae family. It looks a lot like the striped fishing spider. Here's something wild: after these spiders mate, the male often becomes a meal for the female!… Continue Reading >