Crevice Weavers

With around 120 species and 18 genera, the crevice weavers are found all over the world. Their silk-spinning organ, cribellum, is similar to primitive spiders.

Crevice Weavers

Spiders Belonging to this Family


Physical Description and Identification


Size: Female spiders are around 0.78 in (1.9 cm), and males are much smaller being about 0.39 in (0.99 cm).

Color: Females have dark brown body while males are lighter in color. The dorsal carapace of male spiders is streaked with dark shades.

Other Characteristic Features: Male spiders have longer legs than female crevice weaver spiders. The palps of the male spiders look like unicorn-horns.


Eggs are deposited inside a silk sac, guarded by the mother spider.


Spiderlings are known for their social deportment. They are firmly attached to their siblings and stay together for a long time until they are ready to lead a life on their own.

The Web

Crevice weavers are known for their funnel-shaped web.

Are Crevice Weaver Spiders Venomous

They might be venomous for their preys but not for humans. If bitten, individuals can experience swelling, uneasiness, and allergy, but it is unlikely to cause any danger.

Quick Facts

DistributionSudan, Namibia, America, Nigeria, Chile, Australia, Greece, Mexico, and Guatemala
HabitatGardens, woods, garages, outhouses, at the wall, window panes
Lifespan1-8 years

Did You Know

  • The Austrian naturalist, Anton Ausserer, first described the family in 1867.
  • Its one species, namely, southern house spider is the most common spider in America.
  • There is a genus, Kukulcania, that is named after Kukulkan, a Meso-American God.