Spider Predators: What Eats Them

Spiders may look horrifying to the animals they prey upon, but there are many predators that hunt and eat spiders. Some of the predators of spiders include monkeys, scorpions, wasps, fish, frogs, toads, and other spiders. The following animals also include spiders in their diet:


Camel crickets, also called cave crickets, are usually found outdoors but may enter homes to kill and eat small invertebrates, including spiders.


Wrens and robins are among the common bird species that feed on different species of spiders, (except the larger ones, such as tarantulas). Small insectivorous birds, including bluebirds, blackbirds, blue tits, and sparrows, remain careful that they do not get trapped or caught in the webs.


Cats are considered a threat to spiders because they will often eat these invertebrates. Although house spiders are usually harmless to cats, some large species can bite them, and the venom can cause damage.


Although large snake species prefer eating larger prey, including birds, rats, frogs, lizards, and other snakes, smaller garter snakes generally feed on arthropods, insects, and arachnids such as spiders.


Centipedes, being nocturnal hunters, wander through our homes during the night and look for prey, including moths, roaches, termites, spiders, flies, wasps, and bees. These many-legged arthropods have claws, which they use for paralyzing spiders and other preys.


Lizards are voracious spider-eaters, and some species like the chameleons and geckos commonly include spiders, along with other small invertebrates in their diet. Scientists have found that lizards can completely eradicate a spider population in controlled environments.