Home / Tarantulas / Aphonopelma johnnycashi

Aphonopelma johnnycashi

Did you know there’s a tarantula named after the legendary singer Johnny Cash? It’s true! In 2015, a unique black tarantula was found near Folsom prison. This spider earned its name Aphonopelma johnnycashi because of Johnny Cash’s iconic all-black clothing and his famous song “Folsom Prison Blues.”

Scientific Classification

Aphonopelma johnnycashi

Physical Description and Identification


  • Size: The tarantula can reach a leg span of about 15 cm.
  • Color: The female is dark brown while the male is black.
  • Other Characteristic Features: Similar to others in its genus, urticating bristles are all over this tarantula’s body.


The eggs are laid inside a silk case made of webbing.


Spiderlings initially stay with their mother until their first molt, after which they disperse.

The Web

As ambush predators, they do not build webs to trap prey.

Are Aphonopelma johnnycashi Tarantulas Venomous?

Yes, Aphonopelma johnnycashi tarantulas are venomous, like all tarantulas. But their venom is usually mild and not harmful to humans.

Can Aphonopelma johnnycashi Tarantulas Bite?

Yes, Aphonopelma johnnycashi tarantulas can bite. While it’s rare, if they feel threatened, they might bite. However, it’s similar to a bee sting for most people.

Ecological Importance and Behavior of Aphonopelma johnnycashi Tarantula

The Aphonopelma johnnycashi plays a crucial role in the ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada Mountains by controlling insect populations. As a nocturnal predator, it helps maintain the balance of its arid habitat through its diet.

Natural Predators: In the wild, this tarantula is preyed upon by natural predators such as coyotes and hawks, demonstrating its place within the local food web.

Prey-Predator Dynamics: With venom effective against small prey like insects, the Aphonopelma johnnycashi contributes to the predatory dynamic of its environment, ensuring a healthy insect population.

Relationship with Humans: While encounters are rare, the Aphonopelma johnnycashi tarantula is not aggressive towards humans and will only bite if threatened, with effects similar to a bee sting.

Quick Facts

LifespanMales: 5 years, Females: 20 years
DistributionSierra Nevada Mountains in California
PredatorsCoyotes, hawks
HabitatArid and semi-arid areas
DietInsects like cockroaches and crickets

Did You Know

  • American entomologist Chris A. Hamilton first described this spider in 2016.

In summary, the Aphonopelma johnnycashi tarantula represents not only a nod to a cultural figure but also a species significant for its ecological role in the semi-arid landscapes of California.

Did you know there’s a tarantula named after the legendary singer Johnny Cash? It’s true! In 2015, a unique black tarantula was found near Folsom prison. This spider earned its name Aphonopelma johnnycashi because of Johnny Cash’s iconic all-black clothing and his famous song “Folsom Prison Blues.”

Aphonopelma johnnycashi

Physical Description and Identification


  • Size: The tarantula can reach a leg span of about 15 cm.
  • Color: The female is dark brown while the male is black.
  • Other Characteristic Features: Similar to others in its genus, urticating bristles are all over this tarantula’s body.


The eggs are laid inside a silk case made of webbing.


Spiderlings initially stay with their mother until their first molt, after which they disperse.

The Web

As ambush predators, they do not build webs to trap prey.

Are Aphonopelma johnnycashi Tarantulas Venomous?

Yes, Aphonopelma johnnycashi tarantulas are venomous, like all tarantulas. But their venom is usually mild and not harmful to humans.

Can Aphonopelma johnnycashi Tarantulas Bite?

Yes, Aphonopelma johnnycashi tarantulas can bite. While it’s rare, if they feel threatened, they might bite. However, it’s similar to a bee sting for most people.

Ecological Importance and Behavior of Aphonopelma johnnycashi Tarantula

The Aphonopelma johnnycashi plays a crucial role in the ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada Mountains by controlling insect populations. As a nocturnal predator, it helps maintain the balance of its arid habitat through its diet.

Natural Predators: In the wild, this tarantula is preyed upon by natural predators such as coyotes and hawks, demonstrating its place within the local food web.

Prey-Predator Dynamics: With venom effective against small prey like insects, the Aphonopelma johnnycashi contributes to the predatory dynamic of its environment, ensuring a healthy insect population.

Relationship with Humans: While encounters are rare, the Aphonopelma johnnycashi tarantula is not aggressive towards humans and will only bite if threatened, with effects similar to a bee sting.

Quick Facts

LifespanMales: 5 years, Females: 20 years
DistributionSierra Nevada Mountains in California
PredatorsCoyotes, hawks
HabitatArid and semi-arid areas
DietInsects like cockroaches and crickets

Did You Know

  • American entomologist Chris A. Hamilton first described this spider in 2016.

In summary, the Aphonopelma johnnycashi tarantula represents not only a nod to a cultural figure but also a species significant for its ecological role in the semi-arid landscapes of California.