Home / Cobweb Spiders / Widow (Latrodectus)

Widow (Latrodectus)

Meet the Latrodectus spiders, often known as true widows! They’re part of the cobweb spider family. By July 2017, there were 31 types of them, living everywhere except Antarctica. Some, like the northern black widow, western black widow, and southern black widow are even in the U.S. and southern Canada. Stick around for cool facts about these spiders!

Scientific Classification

Widow Spider

Spiders Belonging To This Genus 

Latrodectus antheratusLatrodectus apicalisRed Widow (Latrodectus bishopi)
Latrodectus cinctusLatrodectus corallinusLatrodectus curacaviensis
Latrodectus dahliLatrodectus diaguitaLatrodectus elegans
Latrodectus erythromelasBrown Widow (Latrodectus geometricus)Latrodectus hasselti
Western Black Widow (Latrodectus hesperus)Latrodectus hystrixLatrodectus indistinctus
Latrodectus karrooensisLatrodectus katipoLatrodectus lilianae
Southern Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans)Latrodectus menavodiLatrodectus mirabilis
Latrodectus obscuriorWhite Widow (Latrodectus pallidus)Latrodectus quartus
Latrodectus renivulvatusLatrodectus revivensisLatrodectus rhodesiensis
Latrodectus thoracicusLatrodectus tredecimguttatusLatrodectus variegatus
Northern Black Widow (Latrodectus variolus)Latrodectus corallines 


Physical Description & Identification


  • Size: They vary in size; for instance, the black widow spiders are 3mm to 10 mm (0.12 inches to 0.39 inches) long. The red widow, on the other hand, has a length of approximately 12.7 mm (0.5 inches).

Widow Spider Size

  • Color: The females have a shiny black or dark brown body with an orange or red pattern on the underside (ventral part) of their abdomen. Some, however, possess a pale brown coloration, while few may not possess any bright markings. The males display red and white or red spots or stripes on the upper (dorsal) abdominal area.
  • Other Characteristic Features: The females often show an hourglass pattern on their abdomen.


The eggs remain wrapped in a pear-shaped or spherical or spherical silken sac.

Black Widow Spider Eggs


The juveniles mostly resemble the males in terms of their color patterns.

Widow Spiderlings

The Web

They have an irregular, messy, sticky, tangled web and remain hanging in an upside-down posture in a bid to capture their prey. Their eyesight is poor, and they mostly rely on vibrations that they would sense through their webs.

Are Widow Spiders Venomous?

Yes, Widow spiders are venomous. Their venom can be strong and affect humans if bitten. Of all the species belonging to this genus, the black widow is the most dangerous since their venom has a substance named latrotoxin, which can cause severe symptoms.

Can Widow Spiders Bite?

Widow spiders can bite, especially if they feel threatened. Their bite can be uncomfortable, so it’s best to be careful around them.

Latrodectus Dahli

Ecological Importance and Behavior of Widow Spider

Latrodectus spiders play a significant role in controlling the population of small insects, contributing to the ecological balance. They exhibit solitary behavior and are known for their remarkable web-spinning skills, creating intricate and sticky webs for prey capture. Their venom, while potent, is a crucial tool for subduing prey, ensuring their survival in their respective habitats.

Natural Predator & Prey-Predator Dynamics: Birds, wasps, and certain fly species are known natural predators of Latrodectus spiders, creating a dynamic balance in the ecosystem. The spiders’ venomous bite and agility play a crucial role in their survival, aiding them in capturing prey while evading predators.

Relationship with Humans: While their venomous nature can pose risks to humans, incidents of Latrodectus spider bites are relatively rare, and with proper medical attention, severe consequences are preventable. Awareness and caution are advised when in areas where these spiders may reside, fostering a coexistent relationship between humans and these fascinating arachnids.

Mediterranean Black Widow

White Widow

Quick Facts

LifespanApproximately 1 to 3 years
Distribution Parts of Asia, North America, South America, Australia, and Africa
HabitatDark, desolate places like rock and woodpiles, fallen branches, as well as outhouses, basements, garages, and sheds.
PredatorsWasps, flies, and birds
DietSmall insects

Brown Widow

Did You Know

  • Spiders of the Steatoda genus are often confused with widow spiders since they are often called false widows. The former is not as harmful to humans as the latter.

Southern Black Widow

Western Black Widow

In conclusion, the Latrodectus spiders, with their striking appearance, venomous nature, and intricate webs, stand as one of the most fascinating members of the spider world.

Black Widow Spider

Meet the Latrodectus spiders, often known as true widows! They’re part of the cobweb spider family. By July 2017, there were 31 types of them, living everywhere except Antarctica. Some, like the northern black widow, western black widow, and southern black widow are even in the U.S. and southern Canada. Stick around for cool facts about these spiders!

Widow Spider

Spiders Belonging To This Genus 

Latrodectus antheratusLatrodectus apicalisRed Widow (Latrodectus bishopi)
Latrodectus cinctusLatrodectus corallinusLatrodectus curacaviensis
Latrodectus dahliLatrodectus diaguitaLatrodectus elegans
Latrodectus erythromelasBrown Widow (Latrodectus geometricus)Latrodectus hasselti
Western Black Widow (Latrodectus hesperus)Latrodectus hystrixLatrodectus indistinctus
Latrodectus karrooensisLatrodectus katipoLatrodectus lilianae
Southern Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans)Latrodectus menavodiLatrodectus mirabilis
Latrodectus obscuriorWhite Widow (Latrodectus pallidus)Latrodectus quartus
Latrodectus renivulvatusLatrodectus revivensisLatrodectus rhodesiensis
Latrodectus thoracicusLatrodectus tredecimguttatusLatrodectus variegatus
Northern Black Widow (Latrodectus variolus)Latrodectus corallines 


Physical Description & Identification


  • Size: They vary in size; for instance, the black widow spiders are 3mm to 10 mm (0.12 inches to 0.39 inches) long. The red widow, on the other hand, has a length of approximately 12.7 mm (0.5 inches).

Widow Spider Size

  • Color: The females have a shiny black or dark brown body with an orange or red pattern on the underside (ventral part) of their abdomen. Some, however, possess a pale brown coloration, while few may not possess any bright markings. The males display red and white or red spots or stripes on the upper (dorsal) abdominal area.
  • Other Characteristic Features: The females often show an hourglass pattern on their abdomen.


The eggs remain wrapped in a pear-shaped or spherical or spherical silken sac.

Black Widow Spider Eggs


The juveniles mostly resemble the males in terms of their color patterns.

Widow Spiderlings

The Web

They have an irregular, messy, sticky, tangled web and remain hanging in an upside-down posture in a bid to capture their prey. Their eyesight is poor, and they mostly rely on vibrations that they would sense through their webs.

Are Widow Spiders Venomous?

Yes, Widow spiders are venomous. Their venom can be strong and affect humans if bitten. Of all the species belonging to this genus, the black widow is the most dangerous since their venom has a substance named latrotoxin, which can cause severe symptoms.

Can Widow Spiders Bite?

Widow spiders can bite, especially if they feel threatened. Their bite can be uncomfortable, so it’s best to be careful around them.

Latrodectus Dahli

Ecological Importance and Behavior of Widow Spider

Latrodectus spiders play a significant role in controlling the population of small insects, contributing to the ecological balance. They exhibit solitary behavior and are known for their remarkable web-spinning skills, creating intricate and sticky webs for prey capture. Their venom, while potent, is a crucial tool for subduing prey, ensuring their survival in their respective habitats.

Natural Predator & Prey-Predator Dynamics: Birds, wasps, and certain fly species are known natural predators of Latrodectus spiders, creating a dynamic balance in the ecosystem. The spiders’ venomous bite and agility play a crucial role in their survival, aiding them in capturing prey while evading predators.

Relationship with Humans: While their venomous nature can pose risks to humans, incidents of Latrodectus spider bites are relatively rare, and with proper medical attention, severe consequences are preventable. Awareness and caution are advised when in areas where these spiders may reside, fostering a coexistent relationship between humans and these fascinating arachnids.

Mediterranean Black Widow

White Widow

Quick Facts

LifespanApproximately 1 to 3 years
Distribution Parts of Asia, North America, South America, Australia, and Africa
HabitatDark, desolate places like rock and woodpiles, fallen branches, as well as outhouses, basements, garages, and sheds.
PredatorsWasps, flies, and birds
DietSmall insects

Brown Widow

Did You Know

  • Spiders of the Steatoda genus are often confused with widow spiders since they are often called false widows. The former is not as harmful to humans as the latter.

Southern Black Widow

Western Black Widow

In conclusion, the Latrodectus spiders, with their striking appearance, venomous nature, and intricate webs, stand as one of the most fascinating members of the spider world.

Black Widow Spider