Guam is a small country isolated from major land masses. Though maybe small, it is packed with different forms of wildlife. The average daily temperature is at 85 degrees Fahrenheit, which is just perfect for exploring outdoors. If you want to want to visit Guam, make sure you educate yourself on the things that you might encounter, and yes, it includes different types of spider species. These creepy crawlers might make or break your stay in Guam.
Spiders in Guam Identification Chart
Common Spiders in Guam
Common House Spider (Parasteatoda tepidariorum) | Scarce Candy-striped Spider (Enoplognatha latimana) | Ogre faced spider (Deinopis spinosa) |
Biggest Spiders in Guam
Most Venomous Spiders
Cobweb Spiders/Tangle Web Spiders (Theridiidae)
Widow (Latrodectus) - Meet the Latrodectus spiders, often known as true widows! They're part of the cobweb spider family. By July 2017, there were 31 types of them, living everywhere except Antarctica.… Continue Reading >
Sac spiders
Less Venomous Spiders
Crab Spiders – Thomisidae
- Giant crab spider – Olios giganteus
Orb Weavers (Araneidae)