Spiders in Iceland

Iceland is known for its amazing sceneries. Its beauty is captivating, which explains why people from other parts of the world include Iceland in their bucket list. Although a beautiful paradise, it does not necessarily mean that it is free from terrifying creatures. Don’t you know that there are creepy crawlers in Iceland? Although they are not as rampant as other places in the world. In fact, there is only one recorded dangerous spider in Iceland, which is the Barn Funnel Weaver, which is not that dangerous when compared with other venomous spiders in the world.

Spiders in Iceland

Spiders in Iceland Identification Chart

Common Spiders in Iceland

Common House Spider (Parasteatoda tepidariorum)Common Crab Spider (Xysticus cristatus)Household Fine Sheet weaver (Lepthyphantes leprosus)
Eastern Whiskered Money Spider (Islandiana princeps)Marbled Orb weaver spider (Araneus marmoreus)

Biggest Spiders in Iceland

Silver-sided Sector Spider (Zygiella x-notata)

Less Venomous Spiders

Funnel Weaver Spiders

Barn Funnel Weaver Spider Barn Funnel Weaver (Tegenaria domestica) - Discover the Barn Funnel Weaving Spider, a spider known by various names worldwide, like the Domestic House Spider in Europe and the Common House Spider in the Pacific Northwest.… Continue Reading >

Long-Jawed Spiders

  • Common Stretch Spider – Tetragnatha extensa

Orb Weaver

Star Bellied Orb Weaver Spider Starbellied Orb-weaver (Acanthepeira stellata) - The Starbellied orb-weaver is a special spider from the Araneidae family. You can often see it in places like Mexico and Canada, especially between late spring and early fall.… Continue Reading >

European Garden Spider Cross Orb Weaver (Araneus diadematus) - Did you know the Cross Orb Weaver spider comes from Europe and North America? Their legs are super cool because they can spin special round webs.… Continue Reading >

  • Ornamental Orb weaver spider – Larinioides patagiatus

Wolf Spiders

  • Pirate Otter-spider – Pirata piraticus

Sac Spiders

European Garden Spider Cross Orb Weaver (Araneus diadematus) - Did you know the Cross Orb Weaver spider comes from Europe and North America? Their legs are super cool because they can spin special round webs.… Continue Reading >