Spiders in Singapore

There are hundred spider species in Singapore. There are venomous ones, but they are rarely found in urban areas. If you want to see these creatures, you can search them in forested places. Although, it is not a guarantee that you can’t find them near people. Therefore, it is important to know the type of spiders that you might come across when visiting Singapore. In this article, we will discuss some of the common spider species in Singapore as well as the biggest, dangerous, most venomous, and less venomous ones.

Spiders in Singapore

Spiders in Singapore Identification Chart

Common Spiders in Singapore

Cane Spider / Domestic Huntsman Spider (Heteropoda venatoria)Grass orb web spider (Liprocea fusiformis)Common Garden Spider
Tube Trapdoor Spiders

Biggest Spiders in Singapore

Brazilian Black Tarantula (Grammostola pulchra)Singapore Blue Tarantula (Omothymus violaceopes)Javan Yellow-kneed Tarantula (Selenocosmiaja vanensis)

Most Venomous Spiders


Yellow Sac Spider Size Black-Footed Yellow Sac (Cheiracanthium inclusum) - Meet the yellow sac spider! It's a spider that originally came from the Americas. Over time, it's been a part of different spider families, and now it's in the Eutichuridae family.… Continue Reading >

Cobweb Spiders/Tangle Web Spiders (Theridiidae)

Widow Spider Widow (Latrodectus) - Meet the Latrodectus spiders, often known as true widows! They're part of the cobweb spider family. By July 2017, there were 31 types of them, living everywhere except Antarctica.… Continue Reading >


Brown Recluse Image Brown Recluse Spider (Loxosceles reclusa) - The brown recluse spider is a special spider found mostly in the central and southern parts of the U.S. It's part of a small group of spiders in North America known for having strong venom, along with the Chilean recluse and black widow.… Continue Reading >

Tarantulas (Family Theraphosidae)

  • Singapore Blue Tarantula – Omothymus violaceopes

Less Venomous spiders


Orb Weavers

  • Kidney Garden SpiderAraneus mitificus
  • Oval St. Andrew’s Cross Spider – Argiope aemula

Cellar Spiders

  • Pale Daddy-long-legs Spider – Smeringopus pallidus