Spiders in Maldives

It’s crucial to have a fundamental awareness of the environment you may encounter and the fauna that adorns the islands before traveling to destinations like the Maldives. This gets you ready for what you’re going to encounter, including some surprising wildlife the Maldives has to offer. It’s essential to keep in mind that spiders encountered in the Maldives are not constrained by the boundaries set by people, and as a result, their distribution may shift. If you are not so fond of spiders, then you need to be cautious as some spiders in Maldives tend to come near to people and it includes the dangerous ones such as black widows and brown huntsman spiders.

Common Spiders in Maldives

Black WidowsBrown Huntsman SpiderPantropical jumping spider
Lynx spidersSignature spidersOrb weaver spiders

Biggest Spiders in Maldives

Giant Crab Spider in the family SparassidaeDaddy long legs (Long-Bodied Cellar Spider)Giant Banded Huntsman Spider (Holconia immanis)

Most Venomous Spiders

Cobweb spiders

Widow Spider Widow (Latrodectus) - Meet the Latrodectus spiders, often known as true widows! They're part of the cobweb spider family. By July 2017, there were 31 types of them, living everywhere except Antarctica.… Continue Reading >

Crab Spider

Female Goldenrod Crab Spider Goldenrod Crab (Misumena vatia) - Goldenrod Crab Spiders are super cool! They can change colors and hang out on flowers, waiting for their food. Instead of making big webs, they use silk for catching food or keeping their eggs safe.… Continue Reading >

Cellar Spiders

Long Bodied Cellar Spider Long Bodied Cellar (Pholcus phalangioides) - The long-bodied cellar spiders are quite interesting! Often seen in America's dark and damp spots, they have really long legs.… Continue Reading >

Giant Crab Spiders/Huntsman Spiders

  • Brown huntsman spider/Tropical Heteropoda venatoria
  • Badge or Shield Huntsman spiders – Neosparassus

Avondale Spider Image Avondale (Delena cancerides) - The Avondale spider comes from the huntsman spider family. It got its name from a place called Avondale in Auckland. Some people also call it the social huntsman or flat huntsman spider.… Continue Reading >

Less Venomous Spiders

Orb-weaver spider (family Araneidae)

Star Bellied Orb Weaver Spider Starbellied Orb-weaver (Acanthepeira stellata) - The Starbellied orb-weaver is a special spider from the Araneidae family. You can often see it in places like Mexico and Canada, especially between late spring and early fall.… Continue Reading >

  • Gorse Orb-weaver – Agalenatea redii
  • Signature spider – Argiope anasuja

Family Sparassidae/Giant Crab Spiders/Huntsman Spiders

  • Giant Banded Huntsman Spider – Holconia immanis
  • Common Huntsman spiders – Isopeda, Isopedella

Jumping Spiders

  • Pantropical jumping spider – Plexippus paykulli