Spiders in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, although quite smaller when compared to other countries in Asia, is a home to some of the exotic creepy crawlers. Currently, there are over 100 spider species in Hong Kong, and if you are planning to visit the country, it would be wise to be aware of the possible spider species you might come across. Below, we will discuss some of the spider species widely found in many parts of Hong Kong – down to the most common ones up to the most dangerous ones.

Spiders in Hong Kong

Spiders in Hong Kong Identification Chart

Common Spiders in Hong Kong

Common two-tailed spiderPirate Wolf Spider

Biggest Spiders in Hong Kong

Giant Golden Orb weaver (Nephila pilipes)Giant Huntsman Spider (Heteropoda maxima)Giant Crab Spider (Olios giganteus)

Most Venomous Spiders

Sac Spiders

Yellow Sac Spider Size Black-Footed Yellow Sac (Cheiracanthium inclusum) - Meet the yellow sac spider! It's a spider that originally came from the Americas. Over time, it's been a part of different spider families, and now it's in the Eutichuridae family.… Continue Reading >


Brown Recluse Image Brown Recluse Spider (Loxosceles reclusa) - The brown recluse spider is a special spider found mostly in the central and southern parts of the U.S. It's part of a small group of spiders in North America known for having strong venom, along with the Chilean recluse and black widow.… Continue Reading >

Cobweb Spiders/Tangle Web Spiders (Theridiidae)

Female Brown Widow Spider Brown Widow (Latrodectus geometricus) - The Brown Widow Spider is a cool spider that belongs to the cobweb spiders family. Some people know more about its cousin, the Black Widow, but the Brown Widow has its own interesting story.… Continue Reading >

Less Venomous Spiders

Huntsman Spiders (Sparassidae Family)

Giant Huntsman Spider Size Giant Huntsman (Heteropoda maxima) - The Giant Huntsman spider has a big claim to fame: it has the longest legs among all spiders! Found in the Laos region, this spider is also super speedy. It chases its prey really fast!… Continue Reading >

Nursery Web Spiders (Pisauridae)

Orb Weaver

Banded Garden Spider Banded Garden (Argiope trifasciata) - The banded garden spider is a common spider with two types: Argiope trifasciata deserticola and Argiope trifasciata kauaiensis. They prefer warm places and usually aren't around in cold winters because they don't like the chill.… Continue Reading >

European Garden Spider Cross Orb Weaver (Araneus diadematus) - Did you know the Cross Orb Weaver spider comes from Europe and North America? Their legs are super cool because they can spin special round webs.… Continue Reading >

Giant Wood Spider Web Giant Wood Spider (Nephila pilipes) - Meet the Nephila Pilipes! This golden orb-weaver spider calls many places home, from Asian countries like China and India to faraway Australia. It's one of the biggest orb-weaving spiders out there.… Continue Reading >

  • Tent Spider / Dome Web Spider – Cyrtophora moluccensis
  • Versicolor Long-Jawed Orb Weaver Spiders – Tetragnatha Versicolor

Lynx spiders (Oxyopidae Family)

  • Striped Lynx Spider – Oxyopes salticus

Jumping Spiders

Gray Wall Jumping Spider Gray Wall Jumping (Menemerus bivittatus) - Did you know there's a spider called the Gray wall jumper? It belongs to the Salticidae family and is found in warm tropical places in both the north and south.… Continue Reading >

  • Pantropical Jumping Spider – Plexippus paykulli

Crab Spiders