Spiders in Ecuador

Ecuador is blessed with beautiful natural sceneries that will enchant anyone who has never been into this kind of paradise. However, it also has a diverse wildlife, which could be something to look forward to by wildlife enthusiast and something to be aware of for people who are not fond of wild species. Ecuador is where various spider species reside. Should you wish to know more about Ecuador’s fascinating spider species, keep on reading below.

Spiders in Ecuador

Spiders in Ecuador Identification Chart

Common Spiders in Ecuador

Silver Garden Orb weaver (Argiope argentata)Adanson’s House Jumper (Hasarius adansoni)Amazon Thorn Spider (Micrathena schreibersi
Common House Spider (Parasteatoda tepidariorum)Tropical tent web spider (Cyrtophora citricola)Long-bodied Cellar Spider (Pholcus phalangioides)

Biggest Spiders in Ecuador

Golden Silk Orb Weaver (Trichonephila clavipes)Pantropical Huntsman Spider (Heteropoda venatoria)Goliath bird-eating spider (Theraphosa Blondi)

Most Venomous Spiders

Cobweb Spiders/Tangle Web Spiders (Theridiidae)

Female Brown Widow Spider Brown Widow (Latrodectus geometricus) - The Brown Widow Spider is a cool spider that belongs to the cobweb spiders family. Some people know more about its cousin, the Black Widow, but the Brown Widow has its own interesting story.… Continue Reading >

False Widow Spider Images False Widow (Steatoda nobilis) - Ever heard of the False Widow spider? It's a dark-colored spider that looks a lot like the famous black widow spider. But guess what? They're actually pretty shy!… Continue Reading >

False Black Widow Spider False Black Widow (Steatoda grossa) - The False Black Widow spider is part of the Steatoda genus and is frequently confused with the more dangerous Black Widow Spider. Known by various names, including 'cupboard spider' and 'brown house spider' in Australia, this species sometimes earns the label of a pest in certain areas.… Continue Reading >

Tarantulas (Theraphosidae)

  • Columbian Purple Bloom Spiders – Pamphobeteus Insignis

Wandering Spiders

Banana Spider Brazilian Wandering (Phoneutria) - The Brazilian Wandering spider is a type of spider from the Phoneutria group. Even though they're called "Brazilian," not all of them come from Brazil.… Continue Reading >


Brown Spider Chilean Recluse (Loxosceles laeta) - Imagine a spider called the Chilean recluse. It's known to be the most dangerous of its kind because of its strong venom. While its name hints at its home in Chile, you can also find it in places like Ecuador, Argentina, and Brazil.… Continue Reading >

Less Venomous Spiders

Orb Weavers (Araneids)

Golden Silk Orb-Weaver Spider Golden Silk Orb-Weaver (Nephila) - Have you ever seen a spider's web that shines like gold? Meet the Golden Silk Orb-Weaver! With 23 different types living around the world, they're known for their special golden webs.… Continue Reading >

Banded Garden Spider Banded Garden (Argiope trifasciata) - The banded garden spider is a common spider with two types: Argiope trifasciata deserticola and Argiope trifasciata kauaiensis. They prefer warm places and usually aren't around in cold winters because they don't like the chill.… Continue Reading >

Cobweb Spiders/Tangle Web Spiders (Theridiidae)

Triangulate Cobweb Spider Triangulate Cobweb (Steatoda triangulosa) - Meet the triangulate cobweb spider from the Steatoda genus! Found in places like North America, New Zealand, and Europe, this little spider has a neat triangular pattern on its back.… Continue Reading >

Image of Red House Spider Red House (Nesticodes rufipes) - Have you ever spotted a red spider in your home? It might be the red house spider! They're often found chilling in cool spots or near doorframes. And yes, they're really red!… Continue Reading >

Jumping Spiders

Lyssomanes Spider Lyssomanes - Jumping spiders are super interesting! Among them, there's a group called Lyssomanes with an impressive 90 different kinds. You can find them in Central and South America and even in the southern parts of the USA.… Continue Reading >

Gray Wall Jumping Spider Gray Wall Jumping (Menemerus bivittatus) - Did you know there's a spider called the Gray wall jumper? It belongs to the Salticidae family and is found in warm tropical places in both the north and south.… Continue Reading >

  • Pantropical Jumping Spider – Plexippus paykulli

Tarantulas (Theraphosidae)

Pink Toe Tarantula Size Pink Toe Tarantula (Avicularia avicularia) - The Pink-toed tarantula has many names like Guyana pinktoe and South American pinktoe. It's a special spider from South America that loves daylight and climbing high.… Continue Reading >

Purple Pink Toe Tarantula Purple Tarantula (Avicularia purpurea) - The spider known as the 'purple tree tarantula' has many names like 'Ecuadorian purple tarantula' and 'Ecuador purple pinktoe'. Guess where it's from? Ecuador!… Continue Reading >

Female Goliath Birdeater Goliath Birdeater (Theraphosa blondi) - The Goliath birdeater spider is a member of the tarantula family and calls the southern part of North America home. Holding the title of the world's largest spider by size and mass, they only fall second in leg span to the giant huntsman spider.… Continue Reading >

  • Ecuadorian Brown Velvet Spider – Megaphobema Velvetosoma

Lynx (Oxyopidae)

  • Striped Lynx spider – Oxyopes salticus