Spiders in West Virginia

West Virginia has a mountainous terrain, and in the cold regions located at a high altitude lesser numbers of spiders are present. In fact, they mostly throng in areas with a low height that is comparatively warmer. Species of the orb-weaver, cobweb, and funnel weaver family mostly frequent different parts of the state. The only deadliest spider found here is the southern black widow. The brown recluse occurring in most of the states of the U.S. is not found here, with some of them residing near the western tip of this state.

Spiders in West Virginia Identification Chart

Common Spiders in West Virginia

Common House (Parasteatoda tepidariorum)Triangulate Cobweb (Steatoda triangulosa)Wolf (Lycosidae) Spiders

Largest Spider in West Virginia

Members of the Wolf (Lycosidae) family

Highly Venomous Spiders

Cobweb (Theridiidae)

Southern Black Widow Size Southern Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans) - Did you know there's a spider called the southern black widow? It's mostly found in North America. It has family members like the western black widow and northern black widow, and they look a bit alike.… Continue Reading >

Less Venomous Spiders

Orb-Weaver (Araneidae)

Furrow Spider Size Furrow (Larinioides cornutus) - Did you know there's a spider called the Furrow spider? It belongs to the orb-weaver family. You can find them in places like North Africa, Europe, parts of Asia, and even in North and South America!… Continue Reading >

Spotted Orb Weaver Spider Spotted Orb Weaver (Neoscona crucifera) - The spotted orb weaver is a tiny spider that lives in places like Florida, Maine, Arizona, and Minnesota. Part of the orb weavers family, they usually roam at night.… Continue Reading >

Yellow Garden Spider Images Yellow Garden (Argiope aurantia) - Imagine a spider with bright yellow and black colors, weaving an amazing web in the garden. That's the Yellow Garden Spider for you! They're super peaceful and really good at making fancy webs.… Continue Reading >

Marble Orb-Weaver Marbled Orb-weaver (Araneus marmoreus) - The marbled orb-weaver is a spider with a special design on its body. It has patterns on its abdomen that look like marble, which is how it got its name.… Continue Reading >

Long-jawed Orb-Weaver (Tetragnathidae)

Orchard Orbweaver Spider Orchard Orbweaver (Leucauge venusta) - The orchard spider is a special kind of spider called an orb-weaver. It has a long jaw and is found in places like the United States, southern Canada, and parts of Central America.… Continue Reading >

Prowling (Miturgidae)

  • Long-legged Sac (Cheiracanthuim mildei)

Cobweb (Theridiidae)

Common House Spider Size Common House (Parasteatoda tepidariorum) - Guess what? The American house spider is a popular spider many people meet! Even though its name says "American," it's also found in places like Pakistan and Myanmar.… Continue Reading >

Triangulate Cobweb Spider Triangulate Cobweb (Steatoda triangulosa) - Meet the triangulate cobweb spider from the Steatoda genus! Found in places like North America, New Zealand, and Europe, this little spider has a neat triangular pattern on its back.… Continue Reading >

Wolf (Lycosidae)

Tigrosa Georgicola Spider Tigrosa Georgicola - The Tigrosa georgicola is a kind of spider that lives in the southeastern parts of the United States. It's part of the Lycosidae spider family.… Continue Reading >

  • Tigrosa helluo
  • Trochosa sepulchralis
  • Tiger Wolf (Tigrosa aspersa)

Jumping (Salticidae)

Male Tan Jumping Spider Tan Jumping (Platycryptus undatus) - Tan jumping spiders are super interesting! They hop around and belong to the jumping spider family. You can find them in places like North and Central America.… Continue Reading >

Bold Jumping Spider Picture Bold Jumping (Phidippus audax) - Bold jumping spiders are super cool members of the Salticidae spider family. They get attention for their amazing jumps and colorful looks. Instead of using webs to catch food, they like to sneak up on bugs and jump on them!… Continue Reading >

Nursery Web (Pisauridae)

Dark Fishing Dark Fishing (Dolomedes tenebrosus) - The Dark Fishing Spider is a special spider from the Pisauridae family. It looks a lot like the striped fishing spider. Here's something wild: after these spiders mate, the male often becomes a meal for the female!… Continue Reading >

  • American Nursery Web (Pisaurina mira)

Ground (Gnaphosidae)

Eastern Parson Spider Parson (Herpyllus ecclesiasticus) - The eastern parson spider is a special kind of spider from the USA and Canada. It's part of the Gnaphosidae family. Instead of making webs to catch food, this spider likes to chase down its meals!… Continue Reading >


Amaurobius Ferox Black Lace Weaver Spider (Amaurobius ferox) - The spider realm is diverse and filled with intriguing species. The Amaurobius ferox is one such captivating specimen. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into its unique characteristics and behaviors.… Continue Reading >

Funnel Weaver (Agelenidae)

Barn Funnel Weaver Spider Barn Funnel Weaver (Tegenaria domestica) - Discover the Barn Funnel Weaving Spider, a spider known by various names worldwide, like the Domestic House Spider in Europe and the Common House Spider in the Pacific Northwest.… Continue Reading >

Lynx (Oxyopidae)

  • Striped Lynx (Oxyopes salticus)
  • Western Lynx (Oxyopes scalaris)