
Discover the Hyllus genus, which belongs to the jumping spider family! Found in Africa, Europe, and Asia, there are around 72 different species as noted in March 2019. Learn exciting facts about these spiders right here!

Scientific Classification

Hyllus Spider

Spiders Belonging To This Genus

  • Hyllus acutus
  • Hyllus aegyptiacus
  • Hyllus aethiopicus
  • Hyllus africanus
  • Hyllus albocinctus
  • Hyllus albofasciatus
  • Hyllus albomarginatus
  • Hyllus albooculatus
  • Hyllus alboplagiatus
  • Hyllus angustivulvus
  • Hyllus argyrotoxus
  • Hyllus atroniveus
  • Hyllus aubryi
  • Hyllus bifasciatus
  • Hyllus bos
  • Hyllus brevitarsis
  • Hyllus congoensis
  • Hyllus cornutus
  • Hyllus decellei
  • Hyllus decoratus
  • Hyllus deyrollei
  • Hyllus Diardi
  • Hyllus dotatus
  • Hyllus duplicidentatus
  • Hyllus erlangeri
  • Hyllus flavescens
  • Hyllus fur
  • Hyllus fusciventris
  • Hyllus giganteus
  • Hyllus gulosus
  • Hyllus holochalceus
  • Hyllus interrogationis
  • Hyllus jallae
  • Hyllus juanensis
  • Hyllus keratodes
  • Hyllus leucomelas
  • Hyllus longiusculus
  • Hyllus lugubrellus
  • Hyllus lugubris
  • Hyllus lwoffi
  • Hyllus madagascariensis
  • Hyllus manensis
  • Hyllus manu
  • Hyllus maskaranus
  • Hyllus minahassae
  • Hyllus mniszechi
  • Hyllus multiaculeatus
  • Hyllus nebulosus
  • Hyllus nossibeensis
  • Hyllus nummularis
  • Hyllus pachypoessae
  • Hyllus plexippoides
  • Hyllus pudicus
  • Hyllus pulcherrimus
  • Hyllus qishuoi
  • Hyllus ramadanii
  • Hyllus remotus
  • Hyllus robinsoni
  • Hyllus rotundithorax
  • Hyllus sansibaricus
  • Hyllus semicupreus
  • Hyllus senegalensis
  • Hyllus stigmatias
  • Hyllus suillus
  • Hyllus thoracicus
  • Hyllus thyeniformis
  • Hyllus treleaveni
  • Hyllus tuberculatus
  • Hyllus viduatus
  • Hyllus vinsoni
  • Hyllus virgillus
  • Hyllus walckenaeri

Hyllus Diardi

Physical Description & Identification


  • Size: The females are 15mm long, while the males are smaller.

Hyllus Spider Size

  • Color: They mostly have a grey or white body, with the patterns differing from one species to the other.
  • Other Characteristic Features: Most of them have big eyes.


They are laid in a silken sac and protected intently by their mother.


The juveniles remain with their mother for a while, after which they disperse to be on their own.

The Web

Since they belong to the family of jumping spiders, they do not make webs but mostly hunt down their prey.

Are Hyllus Spiders Venomous?

Yes, Hyllus spiders have venom, but it’s mainly used to catch their prey.

Can Hyllus Spiders Bite?

Hyllus spiders can bite if threatened or handled, but their bite is generally harmless to humans and causes minor discomfort.

Ecological Importance and Behavior of Hyllus Spider

The Hyllus spiders play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance within their habitats. Their presence aids in controlling the populations of smaller insects, which could potentially become pests if left unchecked. The spiders’ active hunting lifestyle means they are constantly on the move, contributing to the dynamic nature of their ecosystems.

Natural Predators: Despite their agility and hunting prowess, Hyllus spiders are not without their own predators. Birds, larger spiders, and various insect predators pose a constant threat, creating a delicate balance within the food web.

Prey-Predator Dynamics: The relationship between Hyllus spiders and their predators is a fascinating dance of survival, showcasing the intricate balance of nature. The spiders’ agility and venomous bite give them a fighting chance against their predators, while their predators help regulate their populations, ensuring that no single species becomes dominant.

Relationship with Humans: Hyllus spiders generally have a benign relationship with humans. Their bites are rarely more than a minor nuisance, and their presence is often beneficial, as they help control insect populations in and around homes. However, like any wildlife, it is crucial to respect their space and avoid handling them, ensuring a peaceful coexistence.

Hyllus Giganteus

Quick Facts

Lifespan Approximately one year
DistributionParts of Asia, Africa, and Australia
HabitatGrasslands, vegetation, bushes, wasteland
Diet Smaller insects

Did You Know

  • Their genus name has a mythological implication, with Hyllus being born to the great Alcides and Calydonian princess Deianira.

In wrapping up, the Hyllus genus of jumping spiders is a captivating group, embodying the intricate beauty and complexity of the arachnid world.

Discover the Hyllus genus, which belongs to the jumping spider family! Found in Africa, Europe, and Asia, there are around 72 different species as noted in March 2019. Learn exciting facts about these spiders right here!

Hyllus Spider

Spiders Belonging To This Genus

  • Hyllus acutus
  • Hyllus aegyptiacus
  • Hyllus aethiopicus
  • Hyllus africanus
  • Hyllus albocinctus
  • Hyllus albofasciatus
  • Hyllus albomarginatus
  • Hyllus albooculatus
  • Hyllus alboplagiatus
  • Hyllus angustivulvus
  • Hyllus argyrotoxus
  • Hyllus atroniveus
  • Hyllus aubryi
  • Hyllus bifasciatus
  • Hyllus bos
  • Hyllus brevitarsis
  • Hyllus congoensis
  • Hyllus cornutus
  • Hyllus decellei
  • Hyllus decoratus
  • Hyllus deyrollei
  • Hyllus Diardi
  • Hyllus dotatus
  • Hyllus duplicidentatus
  • Hyllus erlangeri
  • Hyllus flavescens
  • Hyllus fur
  • Hyllus fusciventris
  • Hyllus giganteus
  • Hyllus gulosus
  • Hyllus holochalceus
  • Hyllus interrogationis
  • Hyllus jallae
  • Hyllus juanensis
  • Hyllus keratodes
  • Hyllus leucomelas
  • Hyllus longiusculus
  • Hyllus lugubrellus
  • Hyllus lugubris
  • Hyllus lwoffi
  • Hyllus madagascariensis
  • Hyllus manensis
  • Hyllus manu
  • Hyllus maskaranus
  • Hyllus minahassae
  • Hyllus mniszechi
  • Hyllus multiaculeatus
  • Hyllus nebulosus
  • Hyllus nossibeensis
  • Hyllus nummularis
  • Hyllus pachypoessae
  • Hyllus plexippoides
  • Hyllus pudicus
  • Hyllus pulcherrimus
  • Hyllus qishuoi
  • Hyllus ramadanii
  • Hyllus remotus
  • Hyllus robinsoni
  • Hyllus rotundithorax
  • Hyllus sansibaricus
  • Hyllus semicupreus
  • Hyllus senegalensis
  • Hyllus stigmatias
  • Hyllus suillus
  • Hyllus thoracicus
  • Hyllus thyeniformis
  • Hyllus treleaveni
  • Hyllus tuberculatus
  • Hyllus viduatus
  • Hyllus vinsoni
  • Hyllus virgillus
  • Hyllus walckenaeri

Hyllus Diardi

Physical Description & Identification


  • Size: The females are 15mm long, while the males are smaller.

Hyllus Spider Size

  • Color: They mostly have a grey or white body, with the patterns differing from one species to the other.
  • Other Characteristic Features: Most of them have big eyes.


They are laid in a silken sac and protected intently by their mother.


The juveniles remain with their mother for a while, after which they disperse to be on their own.

The Web

Since they belong to the family of jumping spiders, they do not make webs but mostly hunt down their prey.

Are Hyllus Spiders Venomous?

Yes, Hyllus spiders have venom, but it’s mainly used to catch their prey.

Can Hyllus Spiders Bite?

Hyllus spiders can bite if threatened or handled, but their bite is generally harmless to humans and causes minor discomfort.

Ecological Importance and Behavior of Hyllus Spider

The Hyllus spiders play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance within their habitats. Their presence aids in controlling the populations of smaller insects, which could potentially become pests if left unchecked. The spiders’ active hunting lifestyle means they are constantly on the move, contributing to the dynamic nature of their ecosystems.

Natural Predators: Despite their agility and hunting prowess, Hyllus spiders are not without their own predators. Birds, larger spiders, and various insect predators pose a constant threat, creating a delicate balance within the food web.

Prey-Predator Dynamics: The relationship between Hyllus spiders and their predators is a fascinating dance of survival, showcasing the intricate balance of nature. The spiders’ agility and venomous bite give them a fighting chance against their predators, while their predators help regulate their populations, ensuring that no single species becomes dominant.

Relationship with Humans: Hyllus spiders generally have a benign relationship with humans. Their bites are rarely more than a minor nuisance, and their presence is often beneficial, as they help control insect populations in and around homes. However, like any wildlife, it is crucial to respect their space and avoid handling them, ensuring a peaceful coexistence.

Hyllus Giganteus

Quick Facts

Lifespan Approximately one year
DistributionParts of Asia, Africa, and Australia
HabitatGrasslands, vegetation, bushes, wasteland
Diet Smaller insects

Did You Know

  • Their genus name has a mythological implication, with Hyllus being born to the great Alcides and Calydonian princess Deianira.

In wrapping up, the Hyllus genus of jumping spiders is a captivating group, embodying the intricate beauty and complexity of the arachnid world.